Become the FIRST DS Reporter of the Year!
| July 31, 2012
views (324)
Do you..
- Love sports?
- Love interacting with athletes?
- Love going to games and being part of the experience?
- Want to improve your writing, researching, and reporting skills?
- Want to win a $10,000 college scholarship?
If so, YOU could be our first DigitalSports®
Reporter of the Year!
DigitalSports® is proud to announce its first contest where students between the ages of 13 and 19 who are currently attending high school get to showcase their writing and reporting talents. The object of the contest is to improve the educational value of high school students who are either actively involved in sports, or are simply motivated to pursue a career in journalism!
The contest truly provides students an opportunity to expand upon and add credence to their goals or career ambitions.
The way the contest works is that a DigitalSports® Reporter
SIGNS UP under their appropriate school affiliation; they accumulate points as
outlined in the points system; and they can win prizes for accumulating the most points!
And we aren't just awarding recognition and prizes to an annual winner. We will be recognizing those who accumulate the most points each day, week, and month as well!
To Enter:
- You must be currently attending high school and be at least 13-years-old and no older than 19-years-old to enter the contest and meet eligibility requirements.
- You must be a DigitalSports® Reporter or SIGN UP to become one.
- You must submit content (as described in guidelines) to your DigitalSports® site.
How to Gain Points:
- Points are gained by posting various forms of content on to your DigitalSports® Reporter page, such as articles, photos, and videos (as described in guidelines).
- You can gain points by sharing your content through various social media platforms including: Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. Each share earns you points (as described in guidelines).
- If others share your content, you receive points as well.
- The more engaging you are in your community and the more content you post, the more points you are awarded.
How to Win:
- Collect more points than anyone else by posting as much content to your DigitalSports® page as possible.
- The DigitalSports® Reporter with the most points at the end of each interval (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Annual) will receive recognition and/or prizes associated with that respectful interval (see Winner Recognition/Prizes).
List of Possible Prizes:
- Monetary scholarship prizes
- iPad
- iPod Touch
- iPod Nano
- iTunes Gift Card
- Tickets to pro event
- ...and much more!
For more information on the DigitalSports® Reporter Contest guidelines, please click here or simply send an email to
Please see Official Contest Terms and Conditions here.
The contest officially begins on August 1, 2012 at midnight. Start your engines!