DigitalSports Internship Mission! (Due 6/14)
| June 3, 2014
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Intern Mission: Interview sports radio host or program manager!
(Due Date: Saturday, 6/14/14)
For our next DigitalSports Internship Mission, we are asking student journalists to interview a local sports radio host or program manager.
Understanding what goes into a sports talk radio show is a valuable lesson for anyone who wants to pursue a career in the sports industry. Much like television, radio is an information hub that communities around the nation rely on for up-to-date and accurate reporting. Interview a sports radio host or program manager and get the low-down on what it takes to become a host and what goes into producing a sports radio show. Since it is a little more difficult to get in touch with members from a radio station, we are giving the intern two weeks to complete.Some questions to ask the radio station:
- Do you need a college degree to become a radio host or program manager?
- How do I go about becoming involved in sports radio or sports media?
- What is the most exciting part about being part of a sports radio station?
- What is the most difficult part about being part of a sports radio station?
- What sports personality was your motivation for pursuing this career?
**Post all articles and media to the DigitalSports high school site you registered for**
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