DigitalSports Internship Mission of the Week!

DigitalSports Internship Mission of the Week!

Intern Mission: Preview a spring sport/team
(Due Date: Saturday, 4/5/14)
The spring sports season is upon us! In fact, for some high schools, spring seasons are already underway. We are asking student journalists to preview any spring sport/team they'd like to write about in 250 words or more. When previewing a season, stories typically rely heavily on facts and statistics and use past performances of teams - coupled with information about their current players and performance trends - to predict how a team will perform over the course of a season. Here are some questions to ask yourself while writing your article:
  • What sport are you writing about?
  • What is the most significant improvement you feel the team needs to make in order to be successful this season?
  • What players have historically been the best?
  • Which players do you expect a break-out year from?
  • Which players do you expect a bounce-back season from?
  • What steps did a player or team take in order to prepare for the upcoming season?
Example article headline: Season Preview for James Madison High School Lacrosse
There is nothing like being able to capture important moments before, during or after a sporting event. We are asking student photographers/videographers to capture critical moments as they pertain to an upcoming spring event. For photographers, the task will be to take 10-20 images, while videographers can take a video lasting at least one minute. The videographer has the option to edit their video (such as a short highlight reel) or it can be a raw video posted directly to DigitalSports.  Here are some common scenarios that may help get you the shot you need:
  • A one-on-one moment between a player and a coach
  • A team meeting that occurs on or off the field
  • A player helping out another player
  • An action shot during a team practice
  • A shot at the end of a practice that shows how much effort the team put into training for the upcoming season
**Post all articles and media to the DigitalSports high school site you registered for**
If you have any questions, please contact You can also call (267) 756-1226.
If you would like to apply to become an intern, apply here. Good luck!
The Team @ DigitalSports

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